Using story to move from "best kept secret" to well-known leader

art of hosting collective story harvest crafting stories making meaning Dec 03, 2023
How do you move from "best kept secret" to "sanctuary for life open to the world"?
This is the question Kufunda Village in Zimbabwe is asking itself on the eve of its 21st birthday celebrations. I'm here in capacity of Harvester with the assignment to capture the essence of this special place so the lessons learned can be shared with th world.
At this moment, I'm thinking of myself more like a StoryCatcher. I want to both capture and encourage rich  storytelling so we can see the gifts of place and practice more clearly.
This morning we worked on the plan for this Thursday -- a day called "Remembering." We are using a simplified COLLECTIVE STORY HARVEST process.
We distilled seven special gifts of this place and named a storyteller for each of the gifts. We will invite the young people we've worked with over the past two days as part of our "Art of Hosting Lite" event to be the hosts of the storytellers in teams. This builds the capacity of the next generation in the village.
On Thursday we will ask our 100 participants to choose a story and harvest one of these themes:
• Staying in practice together
• Shining a light on new possibility
• Enabling & strengthening individuals
• A wiser collective
• Moments of magic & synchronicity
• Witness
When we come back from the storytelling, we'll step into World Café and ask everyone who harvested the same theme to sit together to name the most important essences we've seen from our stories.
Then we will dig more deeply into the gift we've gathered and what we are taking away for ourselves.
I know this will be deep and profound story capture and I'm looking forward t the book that may arise out of it. This kind of story work will not only give us rich material to share on the practices and results from a very special community experiment, but will also connect us all in deeper understanding.
Watch out for the light coming from the South on Thursday!

TWO SPECIAL STORY OFFERINGS to support your success in 2024

DECEMBER 28 & 29: THRIVE!: “I know it’s time to think bigger, to step into my power, to rise to the next level. I want 2024 to be my year, but I don’t know how!” Using the powerful building blocks of personal story, potent questions and wisdom council, Thrive! offers you the gift of considering who you want to be, what that looks like and how you can get there.
JANUARY 1 - 7: BY THE FIRESIDE: If you want to meet the world with courage and strength, the most positive thing you can give to yourself is the gift of mastering your own story. Shape the story of who you want to be in 2024 together with a community that will help you bring your vision to life.

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